Knowledge is Power

We provide world class education for the professional development of endurance coaches

When contemplating education, our minds often drift back to our school and possibly university days. However, at Endurance Coach Education, the approach is distinct. We concentrate with a clear objective – achieving superior athlete results through coaches who are not just learning out of obligation but out of genuine desire. This enthusiasm for knowledge is evident in every facet of our courses and their resulting learning outcomes.

Justin Trolle Profile 4

Justin Trolle – Director

USA Triathlon Level 3 Coach

Professional Coach Educator

The 5 Coaching Educational Pillars

Successful coaching extends beyond the mere creation of programs and the execution of training sessions; it encompasses five vital domains that distinguish amateur hobby coaches from world-class professionals. Embark on your journey from proficiency to excellence right here! Identify the areas for self-improvement, and let us guide you along your coaching path.

Theoretical Coach Education


Theoretical coach education centers around understanding internal aspects of sports from a scientific and physical perspective. These aspects play a crucial role in developing training programs, determining intensity, and setting training volumes. The teaching approach is often academic and covers subjects like Physiology, Training Design, Long-Term Planning, Bio-Mechanics, Nutrition, and more.

Sport Specific Coach Education


Creating sport-specific education involves focusing on the sports we want to train athletes in and gaining the necessary knowledge to coach them effectively at their desired level. For example, in Triathlon, this could involve specific sports like Swimming, Cycling, and Running. It might also be relevant to the type of race or distance, such as 140.6, Sprint Distance, or Draft Legal. In individual sports, this type of learning may be segmented based on race distances.

Pedagogical Coach Education


We don’t frequently discuss pedagogical learning and teaching, and in coaching, we often assume it’s a given. However, it’s actually one of the most challenging areas to grasp and apply effectively. Pedagogy, when viewed as a learning concept, involves understanding our individual learning styles. From a teaching standpoint, the goal is to find more effective ways to convey information to athletes, aiming to maximize their overall results.

Coaching Environments Education


Whether you’re coaching a team sport or an individual one, the ability to control training and competitive environments is crucial for the success of athletes. Without the right environment, it’s nearly impossible for athletes to reach their full potential, and coaches can’t perform at their best either. How we manage training environments depends on the athletes we’re working with, their age, and what suits them best.

Business Education


Looking at coaching alone, it might seem like business development doesn’t impact your coaching abilities much. In reality, it’s quite the opposite. It takes athletes a minimum of 10 years and possibly 10,000 hours of training to reach their peak. As coaches, we need financial stability during this time to fully support these athletes in reaching their goals. Without this stability, our coaching may suffer, and so will the performance of those who rely on us for support.

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Discover More ABOUT Endurance Coach Educator, tutor & Director
Justin Trolle

The development of high performance athletes and coaches has been my life work for the past 30 years

When I began my coaching journey, I was fortunate to receive wholehearted backing from some of the finest coaches globally.
Their support played a crucial role in shaping me into the coach I am today. It would be disingenuous for me not to provide that same level support now, to others. 
Whether it’s through courses, mentorship for coaches, or providing support materials, I am here to assist, and collectively as a team of presenters, we are here to assist you to reach your full potential.
 – Justin Trolle, USA Triathlon Level 3 Coach

Course and Educational Content Coming Soon for:

Draft Legal Planning

World Triathlon

Analysis with WKO

WKO - Beginners

Run Biomechanics


Featured Courses

The quality and content of our Endurance Coach Education courses is central to who we are. We guarantee that our presenters are not only at the top of their fields, but that their course content is of the highest standard. If, for any reason, you’re not satisfied with your course within the 7 days, we’ll gladly refund your fee. Additionally, we’ll work with the course provider to address any concerns you’ve raised, ensuring that we maintain the highest standards in international coach education.

Professional Coach Mentorship Opportunities

In the last 15 years, we’ve consistently been the largest and most effective multi-sport mentorship program in the USA. We’ve guided many coaches to achieve Level 2 and Level 3 USA Triathlon certifications, as well as coaches in various single-sport disciplines. Regardless of whether you are looking for specific gains in the short term, or are aiming towards becoming a world-class professional coach and are on a longer longer journey. We have a professional development pathways that can be tailored specifically for you.

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Coaching can be isolating, despite our constant interaction with athletes. Endurance Coach Education aims to change that by fostering a supportive community among coaches.


Through mutual learning and sharing, we elevate each other to greater heights. Join our email list today to stay connected and become an integral part of this empowering community.